Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Exciting things!

So I am a slacker and haven't posted in forever...but I am now!
Philip and I are getting married in 24 days and I am soooo excited! Yesterday I went to take my bridal pictures and it was awesome because for some reason it became real to me that we were finally going to get married! Other than that....I have no life besides school/wedding. Sorry it's short, I'm not really sure what to say when I blog! : )

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


So I have been informed that "MaeganMcNasty" and "expect to be impressed" together sounds a bit....well you know.  Not to mention "satisfaction guaranteed".  Philip made all of this for me and I was being silly when he was asking what I wanted.  Due to the fact that I wasn't really paying attention it was just brought to my attention tonight that my site was a bit questionable.  I know, I know, it should have been obvious.  Sometimes I am just a dork.  Speaking of being a dork...
Sometimes I don't realize that I am such a dork.  Today, for example, I was in my biology lab and there was a solution in a vile that had a cork in it.  We were to not inhale the solution, not mix the solution up, not touch the solution, and not throw it away when we were done with it.  However, me being my awesome self messed everything up.  Again.  I was trying to put the cork back on the vile when I pressed a bit too hard.  The vile went sliding towards one of my lab partners.  Not only did I have to face embarassment from my lab partners but one of the most intimidating lab instructors was standing there.  She informed me that I had ruined my groups experiment and they would have to throw the vile away (the next class was suppose to use it).  Ouch.  As if that wasn't enough my group members were laughing so hard at me and they were saying that I was super clumsy.  So I began to ask them why, because I had only dropped one thing.  They then began naming instances of when I had almost spilled caustic substances on the same lab partner.  Wow.  Ouch.  Eeeee.  Yikes.  These people see me for about an hour and a half each week but don't actually know me, yet they realize what a dork I am to the extent that they feel comfortable telling me.  Makes me wonder what people think that really do know me!  I do have to admit though, the stories they were telling me were pretty funny.  One of them was were we were suppose to mix up a caustic substance in an open vile, but I started shaking a bit too hard.  The partner next to me backed up because he was scared and so was everyone else.  I never even noticed.  

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

That's right....expect to be impressed. Satisfaction gauranteed.

So I'm Maegan and I am awesome. I will be here from now on for your personal entertainment/enjoyment. You will come to love me, they always do. I am quick like a cat. Goulet. ladadadeeeeeedadada.........